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2022-09-26 08:22:00综合范文




  1、The hunters tried to cleave a path through the jungle.


  2、The workers in the construction site were sweltering in the heat.


  3、His political career was blighted by the scandal.


  4、Her affected mannerisms made us all sick.


  5、The bleak countryside attracted only the hardiest of settlers.


  6、Psychologists study the complexities of the human psyche.


  7、Her maternal love helped him through that difficult time.


  8、Small mischances often ruin great plans.


  9、The children's faces were very animated when they came home from the circus.


  10、He had made a very subjective judgement on her performance.


  11、Playing guitar was only her avocation at first, but later it became her sole occupation.


  12、In his voice she could detect a certain tinge of irony.





  1.Foreign investments helped foster a stronger economy in that country.

(A)促进 (B)重建 (C)开放 (D)恶化

  2.The president was dissuaded from military action by his advisors.

(A)胁迫 (B)说服 (C)反对 (D)劝阻

  3.Her aptitude for math was one of the reasons for her becoming a scientist.

(A)兴趣 (B)努力 (C)才能 (D)态度

  4.The enormity of his debt shocked his creditors.

(A)紧迫 (B)庞大 (C)杂乱 (D)拖欠

  5.He spared no expense lavishing endearments on his girlfriend.

(A)投资 (B)钱财 (C)宠爱 (D)同情

  6.His defection to another company shocked all of us.

(A)加入 (B)投资 (C)赞助 (D)叛离

  7.He was the beneficiary of a large fortune.

(A)受益人 (B)发起人 (C)经纪人 (D)所有人

  8.The design featured an unusual symmetry.

(A)不协调 (B)对称 (C)对比 (D)相似

  9.The reporter was fired because of his frequent distortion of the facts.

(A)回避 (B)假造 (C)扭曲 (D)坦诚

  10.The police found a correlation between the two murders.

(A)联络方式 (B)情报 (C)罪证 (D)关联

  11.The aboriginal inhabitants of Taiwan tend to live in mountainous areas.

(A)荒蛮的 (B)落后的 (C)原始的 (D)山区的

  12.New products usually come with some kind of warranty.

(A)保证 (B)试吃 (C)宣传 (D)优惠


  1.(A)2. (D)3. (C)4. (B)5. (C)6. (D)7.(A)8. (B)9. (C)10. (D)11. (C)12.(A)


  比如高端词汇中有个词maverick, 这个词有两层含义,一层是未打烙印的小牛,一层是违背传统的人,看似这两层含义毫无关系,其实它们都是来自于一个典故。在美国的德州有一个牧场主,此君行事喜欢特立独行,违背传统,别人喜欢往东他却偏要往西,别人往南他却偏要往北。
