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2022-08-27 08:12:00综合范文




  obviate: v.1.排除,消除 2.避免,使成为不必要

  1) to prevent or make unnecessary through anticipation

  our careful preparations for the move obviated the expense of having the movers help us pack.

  The river was shallow enough to wade across at many points, ehich obviated the need for a bridge.

  Synonyms: avert, hinder, preclude

(v.) to make unnecessary

  The invention of cars has obviated the use of horse and carriage.

  A cure for the common cold would obviate the need for shelf after shelf of cold remedies.

  obviate : unnecessary = reduce : smaller

  obviate : unnecessary = emulate : exemplary 排除 不需要的= 仿效 模范的

  obviate <> necessitate


  judicious: 有判断力的; having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent

  1) having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent

  2) having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment : discreet

  3) to have or show sound judgment

  4) sound in judgment, wise

  5) proceeding from good sense or judgment

  judicious <> imprudent

  judicious : sage

  1. Because the elder was judicious, the tough decisions were left to him.

  2. Putting money away for a rainy day is a judicious decision.


  doctrinaire: fanatic about a doctrine or theory

  1) stubbornly insistent on theory without regard for practicality or suitability

  A doctrinaire libertarian, she refused to pay any taxes.

  Synonyms: dogmatic, fanatical, impractical, inflexible

【考法1】adj. 教条主义的,照本宣科的: given to or marked by the forceful expression of strongly held opinions

【例】 A doctrinaire conservative, the columnist takes special delight in baiting liberals. 这个专栏作家是个谨遵教条的顽固保守主义者,他很享受挑衅那些自由主义者。

【近】 dogmatic

【近】 latitudinarian (宗教方面)能容纳不同意见的
